Payal Chakraborty

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What is the Agile Manifesto – Values and Principles

Agile Manifesto is the guideline for all agile practices.

This doc states the ultimate goal of why Agile Methodology was formed.

The manifesto contains 4 Values and 12 Principles. Let’s take a look –

4 Values of the Agile Manifesto –

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to change over following a plan
Image source – question pro

12 Principles of the Manifesto –

  1. Satisfy customer through early and continuous software delivery
  2. Welcome requirement changes in the later stages of the development. Client’s competitive advantage should be given importance.
  3. Give clients a demo of the working software on regular intervals say weekly or monthly, choosing whichever is shorter.
  4. Biz and Dev teams must work together on the project to see it from the womb to the tomb
  5. Deploy motivated individuals and provide them with support and encouragement that they need to do their tasks.
  6. Face-to-Face conversations are the best way to communicate within a Dev team
  7. Working software is the true measure of progress
  8. Promote sustainability, The team should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely
  9. Design and Technical excellence enhances quality, pay attention to it
  10. Simplicity is essential. Don’t waste time on complicating something if an easier solution exists.
  11. Self organizing teams bring the best architecture, requirements and designs
  12. Reflect regularly on improving effectiveness, tune and adjust accrodinly

However, these principles are guidelines, but not set in stone. The goal of the agile manifesto is to help projects provide customer value and provide flexibility to the Dev and Biz team to think outside the box, through Agility!

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